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"International Law" by Malcolm N. Shaw - Summary
This comprehensive text serves as a definitive guide to the complex and ever-evolving field of international law. Malcolm N. Shaw masterfully combines historical context, foundational principles, and contemporary case law to provide a nuanced understanding of the framework governing relations between states. Whether you are a student of law, a diplomat, or simply interested in global affairs, "International Law" offers an invaluable resource for navigating the intricacies of this critical subject. Key Ideas:
Key Ideas
Sources of International Law
Shaw meticulously outlines the primary sources of international law, including treaties, customary international law, and general principles recognized by civilized nations. He explores the interplay between these sources, delving into the hierarchy and potential conflicts that may arise. This section is crucial for understanding how rules are created and applied within the international legal order.
Statehood and Recognition
The book provides a detailed examination of the concept of statehood, exploring the criteria for recognition and the legal implications that follow. Shaw discusses the complexities surrounding self-determination, the acquisition and loss of territory, and the rights and responsibilities of states in the international community. This exploration is crucial for comprehending the fundamental actors and their roles within international law.
Jurisdiction and Immunity
Shaw delves into the principles of jurisdiction, explaining the various grounds upon which states may exercise legal authority. He further examines the concept of immunity from jurisdiction, covering state immunity, diplomatic immunity, and immunity of international organizations. This section provides valuable insight into the limitations on state power and the safeguards in place for specific actors within the international legal system.
This book is an invaluable resource for law students, legal professionals, diplomats, policymakers, and anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of international law.
Malcolm N. Shaw regularly updates "International Law" to reflect the latest developments in the field. The book incorporates recent case law, treaty developments, and shifts in international practice.
While Shaw's writing is clear and engaging, the subject matter can be complex. The book is best approached with some prior knowledge of legal concepts and international relations. However, it remains accessible to dedicated readers willing to engage with the material.
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