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"This Is How It Always Is" - Summary
What happens when your child's dreams challenge societal norms and force you to confront your own preconceived notions? Laurie Frankel's "This Is How It Always Is" delves into this complex question with heart and humor, following the journey of a family navigating the uncharted waters of gender identity and unconditional love.
Key Themes
The Power of Unconditional Love
At its core, the novel is a testament to the unwavering love between parents and children. Rosie and Penn's journey is marked by moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty, yet their love for Claude, in all his complexities, remains steadfast. This unwavering acceptance forms the emotional bedrock of the story, showcasing the transformative power of love in the face of societal pressures.
Navigating Identity and Acceptance
Claude's desire to express himself authentically challenges his family and community to confront their understanding of gender. As Claude embraces his identity, his journey sparks conversations about acceptance, tolerance, and the importance of allowing individuals to define themselves on their own terms. Frankel deftly explores the nuances of these conversations, highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding.
The Weight of Secrets and the Freedom of Truth
The novel poignantly portrays the burden of keeping secrets and the liberating power of truth. The family's decision to shield Claude initially stems from a desire to protect him, but it ultimately creates a distance that threatens their unity. Their eventual embrace of openness, while initially met with resistance, paves the way for deeper connections and genuine acceptance.
While the novel deals with complex themes, it approaches them with sensitivity and age-appropriate language, making it a valuable read for mature young adults and adults alike.
While the story is fictional, Frankel draws inspiration from her own experiences as a mother, crafting a narrative that resonates with the complexities of family dynamics and personal growth.
"This Is How It Always Is" falls under the genre of contemporary fiction, exploring relatable characters and situations that resonate with modern readers.
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