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"Future War and the Defence of Europe" - Summary
"Future War and the Defence of Europe" offers a comprehensive analysis of how peace and security can be maintained in Europe, a continent that has experienced two devastating conflicts since 1914. The book begins with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on accelerating key global dynamics. It weaves together history, strategy, policy, and technology to present a compelling narrative. The authors detail the challenges Europeans and their allies face in maintaining peace in a transformative century. The book challenges foundational assumptions about Europe's defense organization, the transatlantic relationship, NATO, the EU, and their member states. At its core, the book envisions a future European defense enabled by technology, built around a new Atlantic Alliance, an innovative public-private partnership, and a future hyper-electronic European force, E-Force. The authors emphasize that Europeans must do more for their own defense to avoid losing what they currently take for granted in the face of hybrid, cyber, and hyper wars.
Key Themes
Technological Transformation in Defense
The book highlights the necessity of integrating advanced technology into Europe's defense strategy. This includes the development of a hyper-electronic European force, E-Force, which will be crucial in countering modern threats such as cyber and hybrid warfare. The authors argue that without embracing technological advancements, Europe will be ill-prepared to face future conflicts.
Reimagining the Atlantic Alliance
A significant theme is the need to rethink the transatlantic relationship between Europe and the United States. The book proposes a new kind of Atlantic Alliance that goes beyond traditional military cooperation. This alliance would involve strategic public-private partnerships and a more integrated approach to security, ensuring that both continents can effectively respond to emerging threats.
Self-Reliance in European Defense
The authors stress the importance of Europe taking greater responsibility for its own defense. They argue that relying too heavily on external allies, such as the United States, could be detrimental in the long run. By investing more in their own defense capabilities and adopting innovative strategies, European nations can better safeguard their peace and security in an increasingly complex global landscape.
"Future War and the Defence of Europe" primarily focuses on how Europe can maintain peace and security in the face of modern threats. It discusses the impact of technological advancements, the need for a reimagined Atlantic Alliance, and the importance of European self-reliance in defense.
The book suggests that Europe should integrate advanced technology into its defense strategy, particularly through the development of a hyper-electronic European force, E-Force. This force would be essential in countering modern threats such as cyber and hybrid warfare.
The authors argue that Europe must take greater responsibility for its own defense to avoid over-reliance on external allies like the United States. By investing in their own defense capabilities and adopting innovative strategies, European nations can better protect their peace and security in a complex global environment.
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