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⚡ Free 3min Summary
Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Ergebnisse des Forschungsprogramms COACTIV
This book, "Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Ergebnisse des Forschungsprogramms COACTIV," delves into the crucial role of teacher expertise in shaping effective mathematics education. Authored by Mareike Kunter, Jürgen Baumert, and Werner Blum, it presents groundbreaking empirical findings from the COACTIV research program, a pioneering study in the German-speaking world. The book goes beyond theoretical frameworks to provide a comprehensive and empirical examination of the different facets of teacher expertise. It focuses particularly on two key areas of teacher knowledge: content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in mathematics. The authors argue that these areas, alongside teacher beliefs, motivation, and self-regulation skills, are integral components of professional competence.
Structure of Professional Competence
The book explores the complex interplay between CK, PCK, and other essential teacher characteristics, offering a nuanced understanding of how these elements contribute to effective teaching practices.
Determinants of Competence Differences
It investigates the factors influencing variations in teacher expertise, analyzing the impact of individual characteristics, training experiences, and professional development opportunities.
Consequences of Competence on Student Learning
A core focus of the book is the examination of how different levels of teacher competence directly influence student learning outcomes in mathematics.
COACTIV Research Findings
The book presents key findings from the COACTIV project, offering valuable insights into the relationship between teacher expertise, instructional quality, and student achievement.
Implications for Teacher Education
It concludes with a discussion on the implications of these findings for teacher training programs, highlighting the need for targeted interventions that foster the development of essential knowledge, skills, and beliefs.
The book explores the complex interplay between CK, PCK, and other essential teacher characteristics, offering a nuanced understanding of how these elements contribute to effective teaching practices.
It investigates the factors influencing variations in teacher expertise, analyzing the impact of individual characteristics, training experiences, and professional development opportunities.
A core focus of the book is the examination of how different levels of teacher competence directly influence student learning outcomes in mathematics.
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